Monday, January 5, 2015


2015, may you bring us more (good) surprises, sights and experiences than 2014!

The last few moments were anything but spectacular - if you count us curled on the sofa waiting Big Bang to come on stage for the new year's TV broadcast. However, we did spend it together, conversing about hair colour and sweaty kpop boys, shared a yawn, wished each other happy new year, and went to bed.

I follow some bigger-than-life personalities on Instagram, and I remember one posting "If you only knew how boring my life really is..." and I can 100% relate to that. Having purple hair and tattoos doesn't mean I drink all day and party all night. I have a proper day job which I enjoy, and we often reach home before 8 to do laundry. For 2015, I wish to continue that, because this represents stability to me, and a comfort level which others can't even envision. And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

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