Wednesday, January 1, 2014


As I write, it's the 1st of January of a brand new year, and I'm on a familiar bus winding roads of old, to meet the school mates for our annual brunch. Some things never change.

The bus is rather slow and crowded, but I managed to get a seat by the window and watch the world go by. And I think that everyday should be a reflection, not just the start of the year, but today I find myself with more time to do so.

2013 was uneventful yet exciting.

Work wise, I got a promotion and bigger responsibilities. I may whine about work sometimes, but I know Booking is where my heart is. The culture, the friends I have here, the pros still outweigh the cons to move on.

Travel wise, I went to India and Japan for the first time. I also took a family trip, we haven't been one in almost 10 years. 

Speaking about family, the weekly family dinners are also so much more quality based, and I'm blessed to have such understanding parents. My brother has also amazingly become 19 in an instant, becoming more of a friend than a sibling. 

Love wise, I still have the most loving girlfriend after 4 years, to the envy of most, and whom I love back equally much after 4 years. I can still stare at her sweet face when she sleeps, pinching myself to see if this luck I feel at having her is real. She no doubt is the giver in this relationship and I thank my stars everyday for that. As we work towards our own place and our future together, I am grateful that it is her beside me and no other. 

As I approach my destination, so my thoughts can end here as I raise my coffee cup (approximately 20 minutes later) and make a toast to 2014, for it to be a fulfilling year of good friends, good food, good moods and good loving.

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