Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 into 2013

2012 was a very fast and interesting year. I travelled alot, about once every month on average, for both work and pleasure. I developed and maintained many friendships, all around the world. In restrospect, it was also a very quiet year. I partied less, because well...there wasn't a need to. I read a lot (on my new Kindle!) I thought more of the future. I laughed alot and created many many memories. I didn't cry alot, and if I did, it was because I genuinely felt physical pain (i.e when a conditioner bottle fell on my foot nerve), or it was just the time of the month and I needed to just release some angst. I became closer with my family and my partner, like quality SMS-es with my mother instead of just quiet wordless dinners in front of the TV.

I reflected alot, on how lucky I am, to be not in debt, to be carefree and happy, to love and be loved. I hope 2013 will be a year of discovery and happiness!

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