Monday, January 7, 2013

OverEasy // WineBos // Broadcast HQ // Swee Choon

After swallowing raw garlic, another home remedy (old wives tale) to get rid of virus is to drink Guiness Stout (hurhur). So Friday after work, we hit OverEasy for some sliders and beer. How lucky, when we go there, we got a VIP seat with unobstructed view of Marina Bay. *rubs hands for 2013 luck*


On Saturday, what was a dinner party of 4, became a dinner party of 9 at Winebos. Sadly, the Katong outlet has closed down due to some en bloc shit, so we went to the Jalan Klapa outlet. Can't say the standard is as good, service definitely is not as good. But it's a good place to convene, we had many memories there, but don't think we'll be going back in the near future.

Got the girls to bring a cake for Nettie, but she refused to celebrate her birthday early (........) so we landed up celebrating the first weekend of the year hahaha. Good reason as any I suppose.

After a couple bottles of wine, we needed to move around, so we headed to the nearby Broadcast HQ for their Drum 'n' Bass night and more cocktails. Check out the bus driver moves we had yo.

Hungry me craving dimsum so we headed next door to Swee Choon for the late night fix! 1am siewmai and xiao long bao rocks my socks!

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