Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fire? Where?

If you weren't hiding under a rock, you would have read a tweet or status on facebook, or watched the news, and realized that Marina Bay was "under attack" yesterday by a group of terrorists who blew up a doubledeck bus. Smoke was thick, sky was grey. People were having

Ya, typical Singaporean fire drill. I kinda thought it'd be different with them blowing up an actual bus, but everyone was informed of the time to go down, so of course some people scheduled coffee breaks at Starbucks during the drill. When we went to the evacuation area, the building management staff were handing out packet drinks and mineral water (??!?!?!) and a DJ was playing LMFAO. C'mon.

If an emergency should happen (choy choy choy), half the things that happened today would not happen. People would be burnt alive at their desk, because when the bell rings, they'd dismiss it as a "just a drill". People would be fainting of shock and of the smoke, they would not be laughing down the staircase. It would be a mess. So what is the point of these drills?

My suggestion would be to firstly, just spring it upon us. Don't tell us one week in advance of the actual timing of the drill. Release some harmless smoke into the ventilation and scare the living daylights out of us. Don't hand out drinks, or at least don't hire a DJ. Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? Just give it to us as it is, don't sugarcoat the situation, or Singaporeans will just become even more complacent. Like my colleague from Europe said, "Only in Singapore are firedrills done this way."

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