Friday, October 12, 2012


Double celebration in Jan 2012: Baby's birthday and our 2nd year anniversary :D

Heyheyhey! Guess who's back~!!

After a 2 year hiatus, I'm ready to jot my thoughts down again. I've actually been keeping a physical diary, with all our photos and stuff, but as my job requires constant travelling it's been pretty hard to maintain it. I guess a blog is somehow the easiest way still to capture memories. 

Aren't you glad to hear that my life now, almost 3 years into this relationship, IS EVEN BETTER THAN BEFORE! Like huh! But seriously, I think I must have struck lottery. 

I know this year is almost over, so let me give a quick recap. It's been amazing! I've travelled to so many countries (just this year Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Amsterdam, Seoul, Hong Kong, Taipei, Bangkok, Phuket), met so many interesting people, built so many lasting friendships (whoohoo go Fabulous Four!), got a promotion (!!) - gosh I can't even begin to tell you how fast this year has flown by for me because of my busy yet fulfilling schedule! My relationship is rock steady, like we have the normal tiffs couples do, but that's about it. Smooth sailing like anything!

I saw that some bloggers were talking about "The Secret", and I haven't read it but I wikipedia-ed it, and I guess the gist of it is that if you stay positive, and stay focused on what you want, you WILL get it. True story!

Ok till my next update then. The blogging bug is back! :D

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