Monday, May 17, 2010


The weekend..wasn’t such a breeze. Well it was, but it also wasn’t…the preparations for TWO housewarming parties are NO JOKE.

We had a BBQ party on Saturday. Lesson to learn: the drinks are the most important at any party. We had tons of food stocked in our fridge that night (luckily we could cook the bulk of them for the housewarming the next day haha smart us!) The drinks were mostly polished off though, and we had gotten our guests to bring a bottle each, imagine that!

The only bummer was that we had to miss PinkDot (and I was really looking forward to these year’s furthermore). 4000 people attended, FEEL THE LOVE!! I attended last year’s with 2500 people, so this year’s was massive awesome I bet. Ohwell, with a response like that, PinkDot 2011 is a almost-guaranteed will-happen-again event, so I am gonna make sure I attend that.

To make up for it though, we had our guests come in PINK! :)

My wonderful Wifey who was the cook that day!
As with all BBQs, there seem to be a never ending flow of food, but nobody really eats much. So there, at least the smoked duck which we painstakingly slicked and skewered were all gone!! :)
The disaster of a table.
Cutie of the night award goes to SHERRY LIM! She’s a tad of a licker though!
We brought the party up, and opened a few bottles of wine while putting Mean Girls  on the DVD player. Party ended almost at 2am ohgosh. Weirdly (and this happens every weekend without fail), we woke up at 830am the next morning SCREW YOU BODY CLOCK I wanna sleep in on weekends boohoo :(
Another round of entertaining with Wifey’s relatives. We cooked up an oily storm in the kitchen with our Salted Egg Yolk Prawns (which was cleaned up as well, confidence boost to cooking skills yay!). And then we had a movie date watching Shrek III  on TV!

That was it. Weekend GONE.
Ohwell. Quarter pounder DATE with Wifey in approximately 1.5 hours time!!! Can we say BEEF BEEF BEEF??

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