Monday, May 10, 2010

Stop Time Please!!!


Why does time fly by so fast?? The weekend was just gone in a jiffy, poof, kabam, GONE!


We cooked laksa for lunch yesterday and was just putting together the to-buy list for our party this weekend. Watched a bit of teevee, watched QAF, cuddled, swam ( played water rather), played computer games, surfed the net, read our books, slept, went piano shopping (gleeee, hope we can buy one real soon!), ate bunnies, went grocery shopping...

And it's Monday yet again.

But I know after a few hours, I'll be home with you again. After 5 more days, it'll be the weekend again. And it keeps us moving forward, it keeps progressing, and no time is wasted because I spent it all with you.

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