Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Big Move!

Last weekend was EXHAUSTING. I started shifting my stuff over on Saturday, worst thing was I had to work in between. Driving here and there, fetching people and boxes. My eggwhite (my egg of an car) was so hardworking and useful, love her! 辛苦你了,蛋白! LOL

I moved over a week earlier than expected cos we were too excited and I was all packed up anyway. I love love love our new room, the colors and our cozy layout. It could do with a few extra touches - a shelf here, some new curtains - but it's 80% the way we envisioned it I'd say!! We made a couple trips to Ikea and Giant to pick up little things, now the toilet is done, it's time to pretty up the living room, kitchen and dining area! I hope our new TV comes soon, at least there's internet if I'm bored (which I doubt so, gonna be busy cleaning everyday)!

Speaking of which, I love ironing. I struck a deal with Baby that I'd soak the clothes, she'd wash them and I'd iron them. I ironed her shirt this morning! :) HAHAHA. Cheap thrills we have. And we have a breakfast date tomorrow if we can wake up OR a swim date when we get back from work if we're not too tired. And our big housewarming party coming up, omggggg our life is so...newlywed! LOL.

Enough blabbering though, some pictures I'd thought to share of our new place! :)

This is the corridor leading to our room. It has cream walls and a huge gigantic mirror so we can check our reflections ALL THE TIME. Perfect for vain pots!

Our cute lil kitchen, the perfect size and color for us to experiment and hone our cooking skills!

The view from the room inside out. Look how well the colors go together!! We decided to stick to black and white, and I'm glad we did!! :) How pretty!

My switch which I "zhng-ed" haha. Cute lil cat adding that fun touch to our room.

That's "Baby" and "Mehmeh" having a ball of time on our bed :)

The side table which we bought and Baby fixed it up herself :) So proud of her, I couldn't have done it, all the hammering and nailing. I kept myself busy organizing the wardrobe hee.

The frames on the wall we put up, which I've filled with our pictures last night :)

Anyway living together opens up a whole memory trove for us to create. I went to my parent's (oh this sounds weird haha my parent's, I have 2 homes now!) last night for dinner and when it was time to go back, my mum told my brother "We're sending JieJie back now" which sounded so surreal too. Usually we'll just retreat into our own rooms after dinner and that's that. And last night, I went to pee and saw a cockroach in the toilet and scurried back to Baby almost in tears. URGH HATE ROACHES. And I gotta learn how to wash up after myself now, no more maid fawning over me. But that's the price to pay for independence, I CAN DO IT YES I CAN!! :)

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