Friday, April 23, 2010

Hair Woes

Every other month I start to get this itchy feeling down my do something to my hair. For the past few months (make that a full year) I've been patiently waiting for it to grow out. I've colored it, and recently joined the "Bangs" family for a few months. So far so good.

I've always got comments that my hair is so smooth and straight, but actually only I know how damaged and dry it actually is. Looks can be deceiving!!! I've also toyed with the idea of perming it, but I'm afraid that maintaining it will not be one of my strong suits.

Oh decisions decisions. But definitely not cutting it short though.

Just last week while watching Star Awards, I commented to Baby that I wanna dye my hair a lighter color, something ash light brown or whatnot.

I found a couple pictures I like...Hmmmm what say you?? I'm feeling the 2nd perm with a lighter color!!

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