Tuesday, April 20, 2010



Yesterday, after coming home all drenched cos of the heavy downpour, I took a warm shower and braced myself for "the talk". Baby and I were stressing all day, thinking of worst case scenarios and what to do if such and such happened.

It turned out to be so easy, so simple, such a load off my shoulders. My mother was so easy to talk to last night, maybe cos I prepped her in the morning that I wanted to talk to her. She could totally read my mind without me saying anything o.O

We talked about everything. The past. The present. (Yes I am now totally OUT omg can't believe it. She asked me about Baby, what she does and she seems satisfied that Baby will be able to take care of me). The future. (She actually said "OK go ahead, try it out"; in other words, she gave her blessing for me to move out!)

I called Baby and we were both shell-shocked for words. Like WTF, things seem too good to be true. But they are really happening, we are really moving out, we are really setting up a home together. OMG.


sunkissedsue said...

woah! super shocked too! was half bracing myself to get another long phone call from your mom to... 'talk to' you ;)

glad it's all working out! and hope you're feeling better (health-wise)


marilyn said...

i know right. maybe cos i've been dropping hints for her and actually sat down to talk to her before i did anything haha. different approach seems to work.